A Driving Force for Charity
Our passion for creating a class of event like no other whist raising fantastic amounts of money for charity has got the attention of various celebrities and official figures. Here are but a few of the endorsements Rally for Heroes has received over the years.

Ben Collins
Former BBC Top Gear STIG
"Rally for Heroes is not only supporting our brave troops financially, it is a source of inspiration for those returning from military service. It shows them how much we value their sacrifice, commitment and professionalism. OK, it's also very, very, very fast – and we absolutely love that!"

Bear Grylls
Ex special forces and outdoor adventurer
“An epic adventure for a life changing cause – I so admire this team’s spirit and tenacity to go the
extra mile. Rally for Heroes will go a long way to help improve and support brave servicemen and women whose lives have been damaged in service to our country. They need our help and deserve it. Thank You. “

James Martin
Chef & TV Personality
“As a big motor sport fan and having done a lot of work for the troops, I am glad to support this in any way I can. Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion are two great causes, and the rally is a brilliant way to raise awareness and much needed funds for both charities. I wish them all the very best of luck.” .

Lord Pembroke
Earl of Montgomery
“Having known the Gents from the Rally for Heroes since 2013 I have been genuinely impressed with their achievements to date. To raise such a sum in such a short period of time with so few is testament to their passion and determination for what they do. The fact they also do it with such an eclectic mix of cars ticks all the right boxes for the avid Petrolhead and I wish them every success for the 2016 Rally and future events.”

Simon Weston OBE
Falklands Veteran
“I am delighted to see that Rally for Heroes is once again intent on an epic journey throughout Europe in support of service charities. I have no doubt that the £100,000 will be very warmly received by SSAFA who have worked tirelessly in support of service personnel and their families since 1885. I wish them every success on their amazing journey and ask that people dig deep to support such an extremely worthwhile cause.”

What is Rally for Heroes?
Rally for Heroes organises charity driving events across the UK and mainland Europe.
Our signature event is the biennial Rally for Heroes road trip, the next and ultimate one launching in August 2022.
We have an absolutely fantastic event lined up for 2022 and once again, we aim to raise £100,000 for our chosen charity
Lifelong support for our Forces and their families. We have so much admiration for SSAFA and everything they do to help the Forces families.
Broaden your company’s competitive edge with the prestige and credibility of supporting Rally for Heroes.

If you would like to find out more, please feel free to fill out our contact form or even get in touch with us directly. We're more than happy to help!
Direct contact details
General Enquiries/PR:
Steve Shaw:- 0782 3331011 steve@rallyforheroes.com
Corporate Sponsorship/Media Enquiries:
Benn Laidler MBE :-07787 115544