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Day 9 Le Mans to Finish

Another comfy bed our last night in Europe, Brexit springs to mind. Up before the twittering birds at silly o’clock, to catch our ferry back to Blighty. Our breakfast comes in a paper bag, but coffee in a paper bag gives you a soggy bottom and your food on the floor. Luke still hasn’t got Nicole’s eggs. A really uneventful journey but did have some fun met the Gulf group and had some rolling drags with Benn in the Trevor as James was allegedly crying like a girl. On arrival at Calais we encounter delays. Back in Blighty we encounter the delights of the M25 (what joy). Deep joy the Dartford Crossing is chocker. Steve and Wendy would like to announce that the UTC Aerospace Aston crossed the finish line at 14.10 hours.She weighed in with 2580 miles munched, £700 fuel bill an average consumption of 25.1 mpg at an average of 47 mph. We would like to thank all of team Kilo your all stars. Rallye Babe and Stoker Keep on shaking that ass. Chilling now before tonight’s ball. PS important announcement Nicole Moore got her eggs.

Part 2 Some one once said I counted them out and I counted them all back in again. With deep regret and sadness after 4 rallye’s and almost 10000 of adrenaline fueled roads we have lost a hero car. Stand up Rob you did every thing to save her as did the AA but alas it wasn’t to be. Perished on the A28 on Friday 12/8/16. The Mazzer will Rallye again.After the celebratory drink or 2,3,4, we retire to our rooms and what emerges is nothing s

hort of amazing everyone in there best bib and tucker except me I always seem to look like a sack of spuds. Benn performs the absent friends tradition,then we sit down to graze on our scran. Feelings of elation and knackeredness are creeping in. Commander Foghorn rises he is even louder tonight as somebody gives him a microphone ( sorry Steve). The Rally awards are presented Tony Coleman in the Tribute Car take a bow as Rally hero, Lev + Kelly as top Fundraiser £12000 wow. Matt and Andy Lee special award. Then the Sillies the jokes and funny stories awards.


After the last 9 days of driving billiard table smooth black topped Tarmac the realisation that we are back on crap British roads is soon apparent,we need this like a hole in the head. This is torture we are going cold turkey as we miss our daily fix of radio chatter,fuel stops,sat nav commands, hydration warnings and wee breaks if that’s ok with you slack bladder Luke. The UTC Aston arrives home covered in brake dust and wears the dead bugs on her frontal curves and heedlights as a medal of honour. That’s the second Rally done. With a fantastic amount of money raised this has been the best yet. So who is coming back in 2018 you bet your life we are. Stevejay blogging off see you soon.

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