1600 miles munched we are at our most Southerly point now we turn North and start heading for home. We have been told today’s route surpasses any thing we have driven before so it should be mega.
Wow Wow Wow we have run out of words and expletives to describe the drive so far. Rallye Babe in the Scooby was moving her rear end more than Miley Cyrus, twerking, the thoroughbred Ferrari never put a foot wrong while the UTC Aston squatted down as the loud pedal was buried into the shag pile.
All 3 cars jinked and danced through the countless series of bends. Full boar round a blind bend we encounter a cow wish these locals would MOO over god if it had been road kill we could fed the RFH family for a week.Stopping for coffee and we haven’t done half of the route yet. Jezza, Hamster and Captain (oh cock) Slow have got it totally wrong this top trumps the Stelvio.
The second half of the route into Lucheon is just as amazing using all of the road and pushing the cars to there limits. We squirt and brake as we push on through the hairpin bends the noise from the 3 cars is just so infectious more so than a dose of the flu. After 2 and 1/2 rally’s these are the best routes we have ever driven Stelvio, Grossglockner, Furka Grimsel, St Bernardino I’ve just spat them out my exhaust pipe so there!.
After a reception in Luncheon of tea and cake organised by the local classic car club we pressed on to Pau.
...Who ate all the cake Mr K.